Definitive proof

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Ok so after going from forum to forum and asking for help from psychologists and after sending hundred of emails to various university professors I came to the conclusion I will have to think how to prove this theory myself.

Evolution of the plan:

First I thought I need a classical test to try to spot somehow differences in order of needs and check if those order of needs would have been different from sign to sign.

Then I thought  that the above will be difficult so maybe a different approach test will do it:
Ask first for the birth date, then offer the expected order of needs questionnaire for confirmation.
As control method offer to half of the subjects the opposite expected order of needs.

Then I came to the conclusion that even that might be too complicated as I wont be able to distinguish between signs because they all have mixed everything and also they developed skills in time to hide their true order of needs.
So I thought that there might be only certain features that might be more evident in one sign.

For example:
- Gemini - are very sociable (easy to find in a test)
- Cancer might be frustrated (but he wont admit it)
- Leo - very much trying to obtain control (easy to find in a test)
- Virgo - don't believe in signs - fast and efficient (hard to extract as something unique)
- Libra - sociable and sensible (hard to extract as something unique)
- Scorpio - not sociable and introvert (somehow hard to extract)
- Sagittarius - fast thinking and sociable (but hard to differentiate from other signs)
- Capricorn - planning (he will never admit in a test his true nature)
- Aquarius - sociable (hard to extract as something unique)
- Pisces - (hard to extract as something unique)
- Aries - (hard to extract as something unique)
- Taurus - wants things (hard to make him admit)

If you look at the list most of them are pretty the same - but there are a few that could be distinguished.
My bet is on
- Gemini that will make a very good score on sociability - higher than most of the other signs and
- Leo that will score high on control as he likes to admit it.

So this is the plan.
Make a new test or take some already answered questionnaires (if data is not premanipulated - such data might be data from a test on the same problem - astrological signs and psychology).
The questionnaire must be complex and long and cover lot of aspects- the MMPI2 looks pretty fitted for this task.
Split subjects into equal groups by birth moment. The groups could be signs but then signs might be wrong so we could split them in equal smaller groups - the most accurate might be per day but that will require lots of subjects.
Then check each group against each question - do not compute traits from multiple questions - because - as shown in why previous test failed - there are some questions that are answered more consistently with the same answer by one personality - compared with other questions in the same trait - and by averaging those the important differences are lots.

Oscillating both the questions and the periods - I am sure fantastic results will be produced - I suspect that on each question in a test - each group will have a specific average of true/false answers but there will be some questions on which there will be consistently bigger differences with other groups.

All that is needed to prove this theory is right - is to show that there are different averages between only 2 groups on just a single question.

There is no need to prove that all signs are true or that they are as astrologists say (I really doubt they are like they say with sun and moon ... ).
What is needed to prove is just that ppl with a certain birth moment will answer different to different questions - this connects the birth moment with personality and there you are.

I am a programmer as I already told you.
I worked for a friend for a horse betting system.
I know how to check all the above - I know how to enter data into databases, I know how to parse it, I know how to extract it and manipulate it and even to make nice graphs of it.

All is left is some data.

What do I need?
An equal number of subjects from each sign (or periods - say from each day to be even sure) and the answers they gave in a psychological test.
And the birth date of course.

That's it.
It wont take me more than a few hours to prove it once the data will be available.